M4C2011 Survey (so far 16/36 participants have taken the survey)

Thank you for responding to the invitation to take this survey.  Your responses are important to shape the way the M4C2012 is planned.  However, you are too late to take the online survey  and so will need to email your responses.  Please give your best response to each question, and add your own comments.  Please be specific so that these comments can be used in creating a report of this event.  God bless.

*1) What is your perception for each aspect of the weekend; where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent.  Add extra comments to support your view.
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Forward planning with music staff 




Venue (Malvern St James School) 




Communication with parents 

*2)  Instrumental Groupings - many of the children play several instruments, and while some children have the opportunity to play several instruments over the weekend, not all do.  I know that this is a concern of some of the parents. Alternatively some children do not read music notation well, or do not play by ear, or perhaps do not have good technique on their instrument.  How can we best deal with this?
3)  What instruments groupings do you think work best?
*4)  Which part(s) of the planned program did you think were the most effective.  5 = excellent, 1 = poor, 
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music notation games (fingers, flashcards) 


group warm up session - letter(s) for your name 


Instrumental warm up 


orchestral piece (everyone playing) 


Instrumental Groupings 


Creative Worship 


Group singing 

*5)  Which part(s) of the program did you most enjoy?
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Sabbath afternoon walk 


Saturday night musical social games 


Sunday morning swimming 


free time 

*6)  Are there any other aspects that you would add to the weekend? 
*7)  Please comment on the final concert
8)  Do you have any other comments please?
*9) I am 

  You will need to email your comments to me. (Select all, copy and paste into an email msg, then send to musicadvisor@me.com)